The Seven Cycles of Life
The analogy of life and time is a river that flows. Within the flow are seven “cycles”, each representing a scale of time. The following PDFs is a series of worksheets designed to be printed and written on. They are designed to help you manage time and priorities in life in each of the seven cycles.
Your Daily and Weekly Routines
These worksheets are mean to help people identify and set their daily and weekly routines. Print them out for your use in your planning and reflections. What do you and think about consistently is what you will become.
The canvas is to help people make sense of career transitions. Transitions can often be disorienting, but it is natural process which allows certain things to end so that growth and new beginnings can occur.
The canvas is to help learners identify thoughts and intentions around the three domains of meaning, community, and purpose. (This is an 11×17 pdf which you can download and write on.)
The canvas is to help learners identify thoughts and intentions around the six domains (three for the “HOW” and three for the “WHY”) for one’s learning and professional development. (This is an 11×17 pdf which you can download and write on.)
A canvas which maps out one’s life narrative. We live according to our narratives. The narrative has the components of “Past” (Where did I come from?), “Present” (Why am I here?), and “Future” (Where am I going?).
A canvas which allows one to be intentional in the domains of life. There are eight domains that one must develop clear intentions around. This clarity will help one achieve what one really wants and help prioritize one’s attention and energy.
A canvas which helps one consider the communities and professional networks that one needs to build and maintain. There are three “circles” that each leader must engage to meaningfully fulfill one’s purpose.
A canvas which facilitates the clarity of one’s purpose. One considers the problems and people that one will impact and the approach to take to develop a mission. The culmination of mission is the vision.
Art of the Gathering
This worksheet is to help leaders plan engaging and impactful meetings and gatherings. Learn to integrate strategies from the four main reasons for gathering along with a bold purpose.
The Leader’s Message
These worksheets are meant to help leaders with developing a compelling messages to influence people. The first worksheet explores key principles of self, audience, and context in communication. The second worksheet the core elements of a compelling message.
A canvas which illustrates the stages of leadership development. One moves from taking responsibility for oneself to ever greater responsibility, effectiveness, and influence. Ultimately, the journey is one of authentic being.
Mission Statement Worksheet
A resource to help you gain clarity on your purpose and mission.
Network Inventory Worksheet
A resource to help you manage your professional networking strategy.
Life Wheel Worksheet
A resource to help you prioritize among the critical domains of life.
Elevator Pitch Worksheet
A resource to help you talk about what you do briefly and compellingly.
Negotiation Worksheet
A resource to help you prepare for your next negotiation.
12 Questions Worksheets
Core questions regarding a leader’s meaning, community, and purpose.
Creating a New World
A framework that organizes the process of creating something new in the world.
The Leader’s Journey
A framework that illustrates the four stages of development for the leader.
The Seasons of Life
A framework that illustrates the four stages in life using the analogy of the four seasons.
The Hero’s Story
A framework that helps you organize your life narrative in the past-present-future theme.