Transitioning Careers

Transitions are a natural part of your career

Do you get an intuitive feeling sometimes that “It’s time to move on?” The world in which we live is cyclical. There is a beginning and an ending to all things. In our careers, we will experience many cycles. There will be many endings and new beginnings. In fact, the endings are necessary to the new beginnings.

Even though endings are necessary, they can be painful and dis-orienting. It is during these “transitional” periods where meaningful reflection paves the way for new beginnings. The following primer can help you through periods of transition in your career and life.

A resource for accessing your inner wisdom

If you found the primer useful, or you want to deeply connect to your meaning and purpose, I humbly suggest a book I had written called Solving for “WHY”. This book contains twelve essential questions to guide people through challenging times from best coach for you, that is, guidance from your greater self.

During this dis-orienting period where people are looking to others for answers, do not forget to look to your inner wisdom. Once you have tapped into that inner wisdom, you will have more peace and resilience. No matter what the outer circumstances, you will be amazed by your own ability to guide yourself.


The program consists of five, one-hour meetings with topics below. The meetings are to take place over the course of 3 to 6 months. Topics include: Defining what to keep and what to let go of, Creating space, Reconnecting with purpose and core desires, Initiating a new direction.

About Tony Tsai

Meaningful careers are rarely linear. I’ve had many different chapters in my life leading up to my role as a teacher and coach, including being in the military and the corporate world. Each chapter has its important meaning, but there were also many transitions I needed to navigate. The career is an evolving journey towards meaning and authentic purpose.

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