

You have an interview coming up for a job that you REALLY, REALLY want. You’re worried about all the types of questions you might get and whether you’d be prepared to answer them. You’re also nervous because you’re not sure you’re the most qualified candidate. What will you do?


If you invest time to prepare for your next interview, you will have a significant advantage in how you will perform. I’ve developed an online course which will demystify interviews and will guide your through the process of preparing for and acing your next interview. Course includes an detailed PDF guide: A Primer on Interviews.

About Tony Tsai

Earlier in my career, I managed the Career Center at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. I had the chance to coach thousands of students through the process of interviewing successfully. I noticed a major flaw in the way that most people prepared for interviews. This flaw made people nervous and inauthentic during their interviews. The reason I wrote the Primer on Interviewing is to help people gain confidence in themselves and their ability to be authenticity and compelling during their interviews. 

I specialize in helping young adults find meaning and authentic purpose, and preparing for interviews is a great opportunity for your to align your career.  

If you are looking for interview coaching or to know more about preparing for interviews, feel free to contact me.

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